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Holo2go.com is for sale

As of June 1, 2022 we will no longer be fulfilling
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Technical specifications
Screen Gain


screen gain


holostage transparency
holostage usage
Indoor & Outdoor Availability

92% Polyamide
8% Silver



Viewing Angle
viewing angle
Warranty period

Every Holo2go product comes with a limited warranty of (12) months

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HoloSign Coming Soon


Promote your business with holograms

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holoveil projector

Holo2Go's HoloSign

So many advertising platforms assimilate your brand like everyone else. Why work so hard to blend in, when your business was born to stand out?

Holographic technology was once confined to large productions out of Las Vegas.

Until Now.

HoloSign allows local businesses to create immersive outdoor holographic brand experiences that command attention from your audience.

Stand out of the crowd

Stand out of the crown

Bold, distinctive and eye-catching. Holosign is completely different from anything currently in the market.
Live Support

Live Support

Get real-time, concierge level support from technically skilled experts.
Easy Setup

Attract new customers

Holosign is next generation advertising solution that connects with your audience senses in ways traditional signage can’t deliver
HD Projector ready
Built-in WiFi
Connect to your network. Upload content with ease.

Notify me about HoloSign

Ready to step into the next generation of display technology? Please provide your contact details and a Holo2Go Hologram account specialist will notify you when Holosign goes live.

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